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Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis on thermal performances of pipe-embedded building envelope in the heating season

Article reference
Energy Conversion and Management
Corresponding author
Sarula Chen
First author
Yang Yang
Received at Editorial Office
4 May 2021
Article accepted for publication
2 Jul 2021

Last update:  3 Sep 2021

Bibliographic information

Full bibliographic details
Energy Conversion and Management 244C (2021) 114509
Final article available online

25 Aug 2021

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  • The printed version of the issue in which your article is compiled has been shipped to subscribers.

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3 Sep 2021 Printed journal shipped to subscribers
15 Jul 2021 The Share Link has been sent to you
15 Jul 2021 Final version of your article published online
9 Jul 2021 Your proof corrections have been returned to Elsevier
9 Jul 2021 Proofs available for checking
6 Jul 2021 Rights & Access form completed by you
5 Jul 2021 Rights & Access form sent to you for completion
5 Jul 2021 Offprint order letter sent to you for completion
5 Jul 2021 Received for production

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