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Hybrid deep learning model for efficient state of charge estimation of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles

Article reference
Corresponding author
Filippo Sanfilippo
First author
Muhammad Hamza Zafar
Received at Editorial Office
17 Feb 2023
Article revised
20 May 2023
Article accepted for publication
2 Jul 2023

Last update:  21 Sep 2023

Bibliographic information

Full bibliographic details
Energy 282C (2023) 128317
Final article available online

20 Sep 2023

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  • The online journal in which your article is compiled is now finalised.

Production events

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21 Sep 2023 Online journal finalised
14 Jul 2023 The Share Link has been sent to you
14 Jul 2023 Final version of your article published online
11 Jul 2023 Your proof corrections have been returned to Elsevier
11 Jul 2023 Proofs available for checking
11 Jul 2023 Article published online
11 Jul 2023 Rights & Access form completed by you
11 Jul 2023 Rights & Access form sent to you for completion
3 Jul 2023 Received for production

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