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Photothermal therapy (PTT) is an effective treatment measure against solid tumors which fails to respond conventional chemo/radiation therapies in clinic

Article reference
Biomaterials Advances
Corresponding author
Abhijit De
First author
Sumit K. Mishra
Received at Editorial Office
18 Jun 2022
Article revised
6 Oct 2022
Article accepted for publication
9 Oct 2022

Last update:  5 Dec 2022

Bibliographic information

Full bibliographic details
Biomaterials Advances 143C (2022) 213153
Final article available online

23 Nov 2022

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  • The printed version of the issue in which your article is compiled has been shipped to subscribers.

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5 Dec 2022 Printed journal shipped to subscribers
4 Nov 2022 The Share Link has been sent to you
4 Nov 2022 Final version of your article published online
30 Oct 2022 Your proof corrections have been returned to Elsevier
30 Oct 2022 Proofs available for checking
30 Oct 2022 Article published online
17 Oct 2022 Rights & Access form sent to you for completion
17 Oct 2022 Offprint order letter sent to you for completion
9 Oct 2022 Received for production

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